Our Services

Residential Block Cleaning

Our teams of highly-trained and experienced cleaning staff will ensure that your property is maintained and cleaned to the highest standard. 

Office & Commercial Cleaning

Our teams of cleaners will work day and night to keep your office or commercial property looking spic and span.

Pub & Restaurant Cleaning

We will ensure that your pub or restaurant is cleaned to the highest standard by our highly-trained, experienced staff at a time that is most convinient for you.

Waste Removal

Our staff will remove all your dumped rubbish including household items, office waste, appliances or any other unwanted goods.

Window Cleaning

Our staff are able to deal with any type of building by using a number of different types of equipment in order to ensure your windows are kept spotless.

Bin Cleaning

We carry out a full cleaning and disinfecting service on commercial and residential bins using a sophisticated high-pressure washing system.

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0203 544 9291